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SimplyStu Podcast Series

Welcome to my Podcast.  I love what I do and hope you enjoy the shows!

Jul 31, 2006

Sometimes all we have is faith. I have thought a lot about the predicament that Floyd is in. What does he do? What do we do after putting our faith in him? Do we take it back? Do we wait? Do we do research to prove his innocence? What do we do? I'm not sure how you handle it, but I went to the source. Although Floyd may...

The Innocence of Sport

Jul 27, 2006

Think back to how you felt after stage 16 only to find the truth after stage 17. 

I have no idea what is going on, but I want to tell you a story. I got a question from a listener that asked why Dr Allen Lim and CycleOPS gave so much audio and "insider" information to the show. I thought about this question, and to...

Jul 27, 2006

Powertap Winner and ROL Wheel winners announced!. Join Allen during the last week of the tour. Hear comments from Velonews, Boston Globe, and Pez Cycling. You are also invited to the Phonak victory party.

ROL Wheels Winner: Jameson B. from Syracuse NY

Powertap Winner: Scott O. from Menlo Park, CA (above)

New Tour Show Wednesday Night with winners (42t)

Jul 25, 2006

Check back with some VERY cool post Tour interviews and other cool stuff. Plus listen to see if YOUR name is read. Winners will be announced LIVE!

Jul 22, 2006

A true Champion will wear Yellow to Paris. Listen as you hear the lowest of the low period in Floyd's journey and the highest of the high. You will witness the mark of a true champion.