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SimplyStu Podcast Series

Welcome to my Podcast.  I love what I do and hope you enjoy the shows!

Mar 30, 2007

WOW - I cannot believe how many stories, photos, voicemails, and videos I got! I'm just blown away! I have so many to go over that I put out this show before the "results show." I will be away for 10 days with no E-Mail and no phone, but PLEASE keep them coming in! I will have a WorldWide Triathlon II show when I come...

SimplyStu WorldWide Triathlon II - Results - Posted Friday

Mar 27, 2007

Results, pictures, and so much more will be posted Friday! Congrats for another great year!

Mar 25, 2007

All eight Team RaceAthlete members get interviewed! Catch up on all the latest in and around the RA community.

SimplyStu WorldWide Traithlon II Race Day!

Mar 23, 2007


The day is here! Please have fun and BE SAFE!

Please send pictures, stories or leave a voice mail to tell the world all about your day. We have people doing the triathlon from Guam to Japan, from Tampa to Seattle! Enjoy the day! Race Well!

Send pictures, video, or audio to or leave...

Mar 8, 2007

Stu interviews the AWESOME Lisa Bentley. No words can describe Lisa. All I can say is listen and learn from the best! Oh yeah, look at this picture of Lisa's dedication to the sport - on a cruise with her bike! She is definitely inducted into the SimplyStu Rock Star Triathlon Hall of Fame! Also, check out the Power of...