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SimplyStu Podcast Series

Welcome to my Podcast.  I love what I do and hope you enjoy the shows!

Tour de Moo III

Mar 5, 2007

Stu loves the nasty weather. You know I do....but...... I'm ready for Spring. I'm ready. This is a view out of my work office. Yes, this IS the Ironman MOO route. I look at it all day long. I dream about it (maybe not all day, but more than I should). So this is what you will see (sans the snow) on race day! Will this...

Tour de Moo Week 1

Jan 12, 2007

Here we are.  Week 1 is over and I'm already well into week #2.  Training has been going very well.  It is so nice to have a plan.  There is, however, something different.  Coach Mike and my PowerTap.  Yep, these two things have changed my training!  The PowerTap has made me work harder at times and easier at others. ...